Capstone Projects

Four capstone projects are currently underway. These multi-year projects represent the culmination of the LabEx’s research history since its inception in 2012.

Conducted over 2018 and 2019, these projects are co-fiananced by the LabEx G-eau-thermie Profonde, ES-Géothermie, EOST, and the University of Strasbourg.

An observatory in the living room? Study of the seismological and sociological consequences of the installation of a network of connected seismometers at home

WG1 Seismology (PI: Antoine Schlupp) and WG7 Social sciences (PI: Philippe Chavot)

The “Citizen seismology” project is designed to test an innovative approach to integrating citizens into the observation of seismic phenomena. This multidisciplinary project involves the installation of low-cost seismographs in approximately sixty individual residences spread over four areas of interest in Alsace. These seismographs, operated by the general public, will densify the existing network of institutionally maintained seismographs and improve our ability to detect and characterise natural and induced micro-seismic events. By housing these low-cost apparatuses in local residences, this project also allows us to quantify the effect of citizen engagement in scientific research on public perception of seismology and micro-seismic phenomena.

DENSAR: Implementation of a DENse Seismic ARray network

WG1 Seismology (PI: Jérôme Vergne)

The DENse Seismic ARay is a network of over 100 miniaturised seismic stations that are optimised for imaging and monitoring the properties and dynamics of the upper crust. Unlike other seismic networks, these stations are quick and easy to install, allowing rapid deployment of a dense and flexible temporary seismic network. This increased flexibility in station network design will enable us to test new seismic methods for research and industrial application. This network will first be used to image and monitor deep reservoirs as part of the Industrial Chair for Deep Geothermal Energy, in collaboration with ES-Géothermie and Storengy, before it becomes widely available to new research collaborations and industrial partnerships.

Acquisition of a new micro-X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) spectrometer

WG6 Geology (PI: Marc Ulrich)

In 2018, a state-of-the-art X-ray microfluorescence (micro-XRF) spectrometer was acquired to complement and diversify the existing analytical facilities at IPGS. The micro-XRF spectrometer is capable of mapping the chemistry of rock studies and will be initially used to study the influence of fluid circulation on paragenesis – the set of minerals that form together during the formation of a rock. This technique will be applied, in particular, to study the role of rock-fluid interaction at the interface between the weathered granite and Buntsandstein sandstones in the Upper Rhine Graben.

Launching and maintaining the CDGP

WG8 CDGP (PI: Marc Schaming)

The Data Center for Deep Geothermal Energy (CDGP) collects, describes, preserves, and distributes data from various geothermal projects in Alsace, in compliance with intellectual property rights. The CDGP also provides data to the EPOS-IP project via the TCS Anthropogenic Hazard. Since 2012, the CDGP has been putting in place the necessary infrastructure to achieve its mission. The CDGP is not fully operational: in 2018, data from the first stimulation episode at Soultz-sous-Forêts (conducted in 1993) were made available on the CDGP’s distribution platform. The CDGP is now moving forward with its continuing mission of data archiving and dissemination by gathering, describing, and disseminating more recent data the Soultz-sous-Forêts geothermal site. The CDGP continues to consolidate its efforts with EPOS-IP and other EOST data centers.

Voir aussi dans «LabEx projects»

2015 Projects 2016 Projects 2017 Projects